function xProSlider() { const xIsIphone = () => { if (typeof window === `undefined` || typeof navigator === `undefined`) return false; return /iPhone/i.test(navigator.userAgent || navigator.vendor || (window.opera && opera.toString() === `[object Opera]`)); }; /* for the builder */ if ( document.querySelector('body > .brx-body.iframe') && null == document.querySelector('body').getAttribute('data-x-proslider-init' ) ) { function removeClassesByPrefix(el, prefix) { if (el) { for(var i = el.classList.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if(el.classList[i].startsWith(prefix)) { el.classList.remove(el.classList[i]); } } } } function onDirectionChange() { bricksQuerySelectorAll(document, "component.x-slider").forEach(function (slider) { if (slider) { let sliderBuilder = slider.querySelector('.x-slider_builder') if (!sliderBuilder) { return } let direction = getComputedStyle(sliderBuilder).getPropertyValue('--xslidedirection') removeClassesByPrefix(sliderBuilder,'splide--') sliderBuilder.classList.add('splide--' + direction.split(" ").join("")) if ( sliderBuilder.querySelector('.splide__pagination') ) { removeClassesByPrefix(sliderBuilder.querySelector('.splide__pagination'),'splide__pagination--') sliderBuilder.querySelector('.splide__pagination').classList.add('splide__pagination--' + direction.split(" ").join("")) } if ( sliderBuilder.querySelector('.splide__arrows') ) { removeClassesByPrefix(sliderBuilder.querySelector('.splide__arrows'),'splide__arrows--') sliderBuilder.querySelector('.splide__arrows').classList.add('splide__arrows--' + direction.split(" ").join("")) } if ( sliderBuilder.querySelector('.x-slider_slide:first-of-type') ) { sliderBuilder.querySelector('.x-slider_slide:first-of-type').classList.add('is-active') } } }) } document.body.addEventListener('x_resize_throttled', onDirectionChange) document.body.addEventListener('x_style_setting_changed', onDirectionChange) onDirectionChange() //return } /* front end */ const extrasSlider = function ( container ) { bricksQuerySelectorAll(container, ".x-slider:not(component)").forEach(function (slider,i) { const configAttr = slider.getAttribute('data-x-slider') const sliderConfig = configAttr ? JSON.parse(configAttr) : {} // if no ID, force an ID. if (! { = 'brxe-' + slider.getAttribute('data-x-id'); } const customSlideWrappers = bricksQuerySelectorAll(slider, [ ".splide__list > .brxe-code:not(.splide__list)", ]); customSlideWrappers.forEach(function (wrapper) { if ( null != wrapper ) { var docFrag = container.createDocumentFragment(); while (wrapper.firstChild) { var child = wrapper.removeChild(wrapper.firstChild); docFrag.appendChild(child); } wrapper.parentNode.replaceChild(docFrag, wrapper); } }); const prosliderSlides = bricksQuerySelectorAll(slider, [ ".splide__list > .brxe-container", ".splide__list > .brxe-block", ".splide__list > .brxe-div", ]); prosliderSlides.forEach(function (slide) { slide.classList.add("splide__slide"), = }); let finalConfig = sliderConfig.rawConfig; let useScrollConfig = { useScroll: true } /* fix for splide issue on some iphones */ if ( xIsIphone() && 'fade' !== sliderConfig.rawConfig.type ) { finalConfig = { ...sliderConfig.rawConfig, ...useScrollConfig }; } if ( slider.querySelector('.splide__slide') ) { const xSplideInstance = new Splide(slider,finalConfig); xSplideInstance.on( 'ready', function () { /* ensure lazy images visible after ready */ if (typeof bricksLazyLoad == 'function') { bricksLazyLoad(); } setTimeout(() => { window.dispatchEvent(new Event('resize')); }, 200) }) // controls container.querySelectorAll( '.x-slider-control:not(component)' ).forEach(function (sliderControl) { const sliderControlConfig = sliderControl.getAttribute('data-x-slider-control') const controlConfig = sliderControlConfig ? JSON.parse(sliderControlConfig) : {} if ( Object.keys(controlConfig).length === 0 ) { return } let sliderToControl if ( false === controlConfig.slider ) { if ( null != controlConfig.isLooping ) { let loopingID = controlConfig.isLooping let loopingElement = sliderControl.closest('.brxe-' + loopingID) if ( loopingElement ) { sliderToControl = '.x-slider[data-x-id="' + loopingElement.querySelector('.x-slider').getAttribute('data-x-id') + '"]'; } else if ( sliderControl.closest('section') ) { sliderToControl = '.x-slider[data-x-id="' + sliderControl.closest('section').querySelector('.x-slider').getAttribute('data-x-id') + '"]'; } else if ( sliderControl.closest('.brxe-xdynamiclightbox') ) { sliderToControl = '.x-slider[data-x-id="' + sliderControl.closest('.brxe-xdynamiclightbox').querySelector('.x-slider').getAttribute('data-x-id') + '"]'; } } else { if ( sliderControl.closest('section') ) { sliderToControl = '.x-slider[data-x-id="' + sliderControl.closest('section').querySelector('.x-slider').getAttribute('data-x-id') + '"]'; } else { if ( sliderControl.closest('.gcontainer') ) { sliderToControl = '.x-slider[data-x-id="' + sliderControl.closest('.gcontainer').querySelector('.x-slider').getAttribute('data-x-id') + '"]'; } else { console.log('BricksExtras: No section element found for the pro slider control') } } } } else { sliderToControl = controlConfig.slider } if ( sliderToControl && container.querySelector( sliderToControl ) ) { if ( slider === container.querySelector( sliderToControl ) ) { if ( 'progressBar' === controlConfig.type ) { xSplideInstance.on( 'mounted active overflow', function () { const end = xSplideInstance.Components.Controller.getEnd() + 1; const rate = Math.min( ( xSplideInstance.index + 1 ) / end, 1 ); sliderControl.querySelector( '.x-slider_progress-bar' ).style.width = String( 100 * rate ) + '%'; if ( sliderControl.querySelector( '.x-slider_progress' ) && controlConfig.progressBarClickable ) { sliderControl.querySelector( '.x-slider_progress' ).setAttribute('aria-valuenow', xSplideInstance.index + 1) } } ); if (controlConfig.progressBarClickable) { setTimeout(function () { const totalSlides = xSplideInstance.Components.Controller.getEnd() + 1; sliderControl.querySelector( '.x-slider_progress').setAttribute('aria-valuemax', totalSlides) sliderControl.querySelector( '.x-slider_progress' ).addEventListener('keydown', function(e) { if ( ( 'rtl' !== controlConfig.direction && e.key === 'ArrowRight' ) || ( 'rtl' === controlConfig.direction && e.key === 'ArrowLeft' ) ) { xSplideInstance.go('>') } if ( ( 'rtl' !== controlConfig.direction && e.key === 'ArrowLeft' ) || ( 'rtl' === controlConfig.direction && e.key === 'ArrowRight' ) ) { xSplideInstance.go('<') } }) let percentProgress sliderControl.querySelector( '.x-slider_progress').addEventListener("click", function(e) { if ( 'x-slider_progress') ) { if ( 'rtl' !== controlConfig.direction ) { percentProgress = ( ( e.clientX - ) ) / * 100 } else { percentProgress = 100 - ( ( ( e.clientX - ) ) / * 100 ) } xSplideInstance.go( Math.round( ( percentProgress - (100/totalSlides/2) ) / (100 / totalSlides) ) ) } }) }, 100) } } if ( 'counter' === controlConfig.type) { let currentSlideEl = sliderControl.querySelector('.x-slider_counter-index-number') let totalSlidesEl = sliderControl.querySelector('.x-slider_counter-total-number') xSplideInstance.on( 'mounted active overflow', function () { currentSlideEl.innerHTML = xSplideInstance.index + 1; totalSlidesEl.innerHTML = xSplideInstance.Components.Controller.getEnd() + 1 sliderControl.querySelector('.x-slider_counter').style.opacity = 1 }) } if ( 'playPause' === controlConfig.type) { var toggleButton = sliderControl.querySelector( '.x-splide__toggle' ); if ( toggleButton ) { if ( 'pause' !== sliderConfig.rawConfig.autoplay ) { toggleButton.setAttribute('aria-label',controlConfig.pauseAriaLabel) toggleButton.classList.add('is-active') } toggleButton.classList.add('x-splide__toggle_ready') setTimeout(function () { toggleButton.setAttribute('aria-controls',slider.querySelector('.splide__track').id ) }, 100) } setTimeout(function () { var Autoplay = xSplideInstance.Components.Autoplay; if ( toggleButton ) { if ( 'pause' !== sliderConfig.rawConfig.autoplay ) { toggleButton.setAttribute('aria-label',controlConfig.pauseAriaLabel) toggleButton.classList.add('is-active') } toggleButton.addEventListener( 'click', function (e) { if ( toggleButton.classList.contains('is-active') ) { Autoplay.pause(); toggleButton.classList.remove('is-active') toggleButton.setAttribute('aria-label',controlConfig.playAriaLabel) slider.setAttribute('aria-live','polite') } else {; toggleButton.setAttribute('aria-label',controlConfig.pauseAriaLabel) toggleButton.classList.add('is-active') } } ); } }, 100) } if ( 'navArrow' === controlConfig.type) { setTimeout(function () { sliderControl.querySelector( '.x-slider-control_nav' ).setAttribute("aria-controls", slider.querySelector('.splide__track').id) const nextButton = sliderControl.querySelector( '.x-slider-control_nav--next' ) const prevButton = sliderControl.querySelector( '.x-slider-control_nav--prev' ) function disableArrows(prevButton,nextButton) { if ( prevButton ) { if ( xSplideInstance.Components.Controller.getPrev() === -1 ) { prevButton.setAttribute('disabled','') } else { prevButton.removeAttribute('disabled') } } if ( nextButton ) { if ( xSplideInstance.Components.Controller.getNext() === -1 ) { nextButton.setAttribute('disabled','') } else { nextButton.removeAttribute('disabled') } } } if ( Splide.STATES.IDLE ) ) { disableArrows(prevButton,nextButton) } xSplideInstance.on( 'active moved overflow', function () { disableArrows(prevButton,nextButton) }) if ( nextButton ) { nextButton.addEventListener( 'click', function (e) { xSplideInstance.go( '>' ); }) } if ( prevButton ) { prevButton.addEventListener( 'click', function (e) { xSplideInstance.go( '<' ); }) } }, 100) } if ( 'autoplayProgress' === controlConfig.type) { let autoplayEnded = false; let dragging = false; xSplideInstance.on( 'move active', function (newIndex) { const lastIndex = xSplideInstance.Components.Controller.getEnd(); if ( lastIndex === newIndex ) { if (!sliderConfig.rawConfig.rewind && 'loop' !== sliderConfig.rawConfig.type) { autoplayEnded = true;'--x-slider-autoplay', 1); } } } ); xSplideInstance.on( 'autoplay:playing', function ( rate ) { if (!autoplayEnded) {'--x-slider-autoplay', rate); } } ); xSplideInstance.on( 'move drag', function ( ) { dragging = true;'--x-slider-autoplay', 1); } ); xSplideInstance.on( 'moved', function ( ) { dragging = false; if ( xSplideInstance.Components.Controller.getNext() === -1 ) { autoplayEnded = true } else { autoplayEnded = false } } ); } if ( 'slideContent' === controlConfig.type) { xSplideInstance.on( 'move active', function (newIndex) { const currentSlide = xSplideInstance.Components.Slides.getAt( typeof( newIndex ) == 'number' ? newIndex : xSplideInstance.index ).slide; if ('caption' === controlConfig.slideContentType) { if ( currentSlide.hasAttribute('data-x-caption') ) { = '1' = 'visible' sliderControl.querySelector('.x-slider-control_content').innerHTML = currentSlide.getAttribute('data-x-caption'); } else { = '0' = 'hidden' sliderControl.querySelector('.x-slider-control_content').innerHTML = "\xA0"; } } else if ('attribute' === controlConfig.slideContentType) { const slideAttribute = currentSlide.getAttribute(controlConfig.slideAttribute); if ( slideAttribute ) { = '1' = 'visible' sliderControl.querySelector('.x-slider-control_content').innerHTML = slideAttribute; } else { = '0' = 'hidden' sliderControl.querySelector('.x-slider-control_content').innerHTML = "\xA0"; } } }) } } } }) if ( null != sliderConfig.animationTrigger ) { xSplideInstance.on( 'ready', function (newIndex) { bricksQuerySelectorAll(slider, ".x-slider_slide").forEach(function (slide) { bricksQuerySelectorAll(slide, ["[data-interactions]"]).forEach(function (animatedElement,i) { var interactionAnimationType const arr = JSON.parse(animatedElement.dataset.interactions); arr.forEach((interaction) => { if (interaction.trigger) { if ( ("enterView" === interaction.trigger) && "startAnimation" === interaction.action ) { if ( interaction.animationType ) { interactionAnimationType = interaction.animationType } } } }) if ( interactionAnimationType ) { animatedElement.setAttribute("data-x-interaction-animation",interactionAnimationType) } var animationType = animatedElement.dataset.xInteractionAnimation; if ( animationType && animatedElement.closest('.x-slider_slide').classList.contains(sliderConfig.animationTrigger) ) { animatedElement.classList.add("brx-x-animate-".concat(animationType)); } }) bricksQuerySelectorAll(slide, [".brx-animated:not([data-interactions])"]).forEach(function (animatedElement,i) { if ( sliderConfig.animationStagger && !animatedElement.classList.contains('no-stagger') ) { const animationDelay = sliderConfig.animationStagger ? sliderConfig.animationDelay : 0; const animationDelayFirst = sliderConfig.animationStagger ? sliderConfig.animationDelayFirst : 0; if (0 === i) { = animationDelayFirst + 'ms' } else { = animationDelayFirst + (i * animationDelay) + 'ms' } } /* remove usual bricks animation cycle */ var animationType = animatedElement.dataset.animation; if ( animationType ) { animatedElement.setAttribute("data-x-animation",animationType) animatedElement.classList.remove("brx-animate-".concat(animationType)) animatedElement.removeAttribute("data-animation") } /* add it back in when splide says so */ if ( slide.classList.contains(sliderConfig.animationTrigger) ) { setTimeout(function () { var animationType = animatedElement.dataset.xAnimation; animationType && (animatedElement.classList.add("brx-animate-".concat(animationType))); }, 100) } }) bricksQuerySelectorAll(slide, ["[data-interactions]"]).forEach(function (animatedElement,i) { if ( sliderConfig.animationStagger && !animatedElement.classList.contains('no-stagger') ) { const animationDelay = sliderConfig.animationStagger ? sliderConfig.animationDelay : 0; const animationDelayFirst = sliderConfig.animationStagger ? sliderConfig.animationDelayFirst : 0; if (0 === i) { = animationDelayFirst + 'ms' } else { = animationDelayFirst + (i * animationDelay) + 'ms' } } /* remove usual bricks animation cycle */ var animationType = animatedElement.dataset.animation; if ( animationType ) { animatedElement.setAttribute("data-x-animation",animationType) animatedElement.classList.remove("brx-animate-".concat(animationType)) animatedElement.removeAttribute("data-animation") } /* add it back in when splide says so */ if ( slide.classList.contains(sliderConfig.animationTrigger) ) { setTimeout(function () { var animationType = animatedElement.dataset.xAnimation; animationType && (animatedElement.classList.add("brx-animate-".concat(animationType))); }, 100) } }) }) }) } if ( null != sliderConfig.hashNav ) { bricksQuerySelectorAll(slider, [ ".splide__list > .brxe-container", ".splide__list > .brxe-block", ".splide__list > .brxe-div", ".x-splide__list > .splide__slide" ]).forEach(function (slide,i) { let splideHash = ? : slider.getAttribute('data-x-id'); if ( null == slide.getAttribute( 'data-splide-hash') ) { slide.setAttribute( 'data-splide-hash', splideHash + '-' + (i + 1) ) } }) } xSplideInstance.on( 'intersection:out', function ( entry ) { setTimeout(() => { if (xSplideInstance.Components.AutoScroll) { xSplideInstance.Components.AutoScroll.pause() } }, 20); } ); /* overflow (conditional slider) */ if (sliderConfig.conditional) { xSplideInstance.on( 'overflow', function ( isOverflow ) { if ( 'loop' === sliderConfig.rawConfig.type ) { xSplideInstance.go( 0 ) xSplideInstance.options = { arrows : isOverflow, pagination: isOverflow ? sliderConfig.rawConfig.pagination : false, drag : isOverflow, clones : isOverflow ? undefined : 0, }; } else { xSplideInstance.options = { arrows : isOverflow, pagination: isOverflow ? sliderConfig.rawConfig.pagination : false, drag : isOverflow, }; } if ( isOverflow ) { slider.classList.remove('x-no-slider') container.querySelectorAll( '.x-slider-control' ).forEach(function (sliderControl) {'display') }) } else { slider.classList.add('x-no-slider') container.querySelectorAll( '.x-slider-control' ).forEach(function (sliderControl) { = 'none'; }) } } ); } if ( document.querySelector('body > .brx-body.iframe') ) { if ( null != sliderConfig.rawConfig.autoScroll || false != sliderConfig.hashNav ) { // if ( !slider.classList.contains('is-initialized') ) { if (slider.querySelector('.splide__pagination li')) { slider.querySelectorAll('.splide__pagination li').forEach(dot => { dot.remove() }) } if(typeof window.splide !== "undefined") { xSplideInstance.mount( window.splide.Extensions ); } else { xSplideInstance.mount(); } //} } else { if ( !slider.classList.contains('is-initialized') || null != document.querySelector('body').getAttribute('data-x-proslider-init' ) ) { if (slider.querySelector('.splide__pagination li')) { slider.querySelectorAll('.splide__pagination li').forEach(dot => { dot.remove() }) } xSplideInstance.mount(); } } } else { let newExtentionsObject = {}; if ( null != window.splide) { let customAutoScroll = window.splide.Extensions.AutoScroll let customURLHash = window.splide.Extensions.URLHash let customIntersection = window.splide.Extensions.Intersection if ( null != sliderConfig.rawConfig.autoScroll ) { newExtentionsObject.AutoScroll = customAutoScroll } if ( null != sliderConfig.rawConfig.intersection ) { newExtentionsObject.Intersection = customIntersection } if (false != sliderConfig.hashNav ) { newExtentionsObject.URLHash = customURLHash } } if ( slider.querySelector('.splide__pagination') ) { slider.querySelector('.splide__pagination').innerHTML = ""; } if ( null == sliderConfig.rawConfig.autoScroll && null == sliderConfig.rawConfig.intersection && false == sliderConfig.hashNav ) { xSplideInstance.mount(); } else { xSplideInstance.mount( newExtentionsObject ); } } setTimeout(function () { window.xSlider.Instances[slider.dataset.xId] = xSplideInstance; slider.dispatchEvent(new Event('x_slider:init')) }, 150) /* adaptive height */ if ( null != sliderConfig.adaptiveHeight ) { xSplideInstance.on( 'active move resize', (newIndex) => { let slide = xSplideInstance.Components.Slides.getAt( typeof( newIndex ) == 'number' ? newIndex : xSplideInstance.index ).slide if ( 'true' === sliderConfig.adaptiveHeight ) { if ( getComputedStyle(slider.querySelector('.splide__list')).getPropertyValue('--xadaptiveheight').includes("flex-start") ) { = slide.offsetHeight + 'px'; = slide.offsetHeight + 'px'; } else {'height')'max-height') } } }) } /* sort out lazy loading */ prosliderSlides.forEach(function (prosliderSlide, i) { if ( { =; var prosliderSlidePagination = slider.querySelector(".splide__pagination"); if (prosliderSlidePagination) { var prosliderSlidePaginationDot = prosliderSlidePagination.querySelector("li:nth-child(".concat(i + 1, ") .splide__pagination__page")); prosliderSlidePaginationDot && prosliderSlidePaginationDot.setAttribute("aria-controls",; } } if (!prosliderSlide.classList.contains("bricks-lazy-hidden")) { var prosliderSlideStyles = prosliderSlide.getAttribute("style") || ""; && (prosliderSlideStyles +=, prosliderSlide.setAttribute("style", prosliderSlideStyles)); } }); xSplideInstance.on( 'active', () => { if (typeof bricksLazyLoad == 'function') { bricksLazyLoad(); } if ( slider.querySelector('.brxe-xmediaplayer') ) { slider.querySelectorAll('.splide__slide:not(.is-active) .brxe-xmediaplayer').forEach(mediaPlayer => { if ( window.xMediaPlayer.Instances[mediaPlayer.getAttribute('data-x-id')] ) { window.xMediaPlayer.Instances[mediaPlayer.getAttribute('data-x-id')].pause() } }) } }) xSplideInstance.on( 'move', () => { if (typeof bricksLazyLoad == 'function') { bricksLazyLoad(); } /* support inner animations on elements */ if ( null != sliderConfig.animationTrigger ) { bricksQuerySelectorAll(slider, ".x-slider_slide:not(." + sliderConfig.animationTrigger + ") .brx-animated:not(.x-animated)").forEach(function (animatedElement) { let animationType = animatedElement.getAttribute("data-x-animation") animatedElement.classList.remove('brx-animate-' + animationType); }) bricksQuerySelectorAll(slider, ".x-slider_slide." + sliderConfig.animationTrigger + " [data-x-interaction-animation]:not(.x-animated)").forEach(function (animatedElement,i) { var animationType = animatedElement.dataset.xInteractionAnimation; if ( animationType ) { if ( sliderConfig.animateOnce ) { } } }) } } ); xSplideInstance.on( 'moved', () => { if ( null != sliderConfig.animationTrigger ) { bricksQuerySelectorAll(slider, ".x-slider_slide." + sliderConfig.animationTrigger + " .brx-animated:not([data-x-interaction-animation])").forEach(function (animatedElement,i) { var animationType = animatedElement.dataset.xAnimation; animationType && (animatedElement.classList.add("brx-animate-".concat(animationType))); if ( sliderConfig.animateOnce ) { animatedElement.classList.add('x-animated') } if ( animationType ) { animatedElement.classList.remove("brx-x-animate-".concat(animationType)); } }) bricksQuerySelectorAll(slider, ".x-slider_slide." + sliderConfig.animationTrigger + " [data-x-interaction-animation]:not(.x-animated)").forEach(function (animatedElement,i) { var animationType = animatedElement.dataset.xInteractionAnimation; if ( animationType ) { animatedElement.classList.add("brx-x-animate-".concat(animationType)); } }) } } ); /* ensure IDs are preserved when splide resizes over breakpoints */ xSplideInstance.on( 'resized', () => { const prosliderSlides = bricksQuerySelectorAll(slider, [ ".splide__list > .brxe-container", ".splide__list > .brxe-block", ".splide__list > .brxe-div" ]); prosliderSlides.forEach(function (slide) { = /* ensure dynamic backgrounds are added in */ if (null != slide.getAttribute('data-style')) { setTimeout(function () { += slide.getAttribute('data-style'); }, 100) } }); }) } else { slider.classList.add('x-slider_no-slides') } }); /* syncing after init */ bricksQuerySelectorAll(container, ".x-slider[data-x-slider*=isNavigation]").forEach(function (sliderNav,i) { const thisSliderIdentifier = sliderNav.closest('.x-slider').dataset.xId; const thisSliderAttr = sliderNav.getAttribute('data-x-slider') const thisSliderConfig = thisSliderAttr ? JSON.parse(thisSliderAttr) : {} setTimeout(function () { if ( container.querySelector(thisSliderConfig.syncSelector) ) { const mainSliderIdentifier = container.querySelector(thisSliderConfig.syncSelector).dataset.xId; const main = xSlider.Instances[mainSliderIdentifier] const thumbnail = xSlider.Instances[thisSliderIdentifier] if( main && thumbnail) { main.sync(thumbnail) } } else { console.log('BricksExtras: Looking for slider to sync, but not found. Check the ID/Class on the slider being controlled.') } }, 250) }) } extrasSlider(document); function xSliderAJAX(e) { if (typeof e.detail.queryId === 'undefined') { return; } if ( document.querySelector('.brxe-' + e.detail.queryId) ) { extrasSlider(document.querySelector('.brxe-' + e.detail.queryId).parentElement); } } document.addEventListener("bricks/ajax/load_page/completed", xSliderAJAX) document.addEventListener("bricks/ajax/pagination/completed", xSliderAJAX) // Expose function window.doExtrasSlider = extrasSlider; } document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",function(e){ bricksIsFrontend&&xProSlider() });